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This site exists for its members, we are here to advance on the Jedi path but to also have a good time doing it!

The Jediism Way offers a number of features to its members. The first thing to know is no part of this site is hidden, no secret areas to select members, the website is fully open to anyone for viewing no matter if you are a member or guest. We hope all visitors become members and if you do, you will be able to post on our forum, have a blog, upload photos, add to our library, and much more. We welcome anyone and if you are a Jedi you can find a home among other Jedi. If you are not a Jedi we still would love to have you join as we look forward to a great discussion with Jedi and non-Jedi.

The site features a discussion forum which is the heart of the website where members can interact. We also have a blog section where you can maintain a personal blog, an image gallery to upload your photos, a library where you can upload writings you have accumulated over the years, a chat room, and a number of smaller features for our members.

The final feature we are working on is an evaluation system for ranks. We will not offer official training but in our forum, you can learn from all of our members in a community learning environment. We also have a wealth of information throughout the website and library. There is also a wealth of knowledge throughout the rest of the Jedi community. If you decide to train on your own there is not much to offer you the chance to achieve a rank since you have not gone through an actual program. This evaluation system will allow individuals that have self-trained to achieve ranks. We will have more information on this in the coming months.

The goal of the Jediism Way is to provide a complete experience for its members. The Jedi path is about growth and this site works to provide an environment to allow that growth to occur in an educational and fun environment. We hope to see you become an active member of the site and if you have any ideas on something we can add to the site don’t hesitate to let us know.